27 November 2013

Desert sandstorm in Morocco


This was one of the most magical experiences
I have ever had. Being in a sand storm is beautiful, destructive and cleansing in the same time. The light was stunning, like I was on a different planet. Sand was covering my face and in my mouth,
the camera was wrapped in cling wrap and covered with a waterproof bag. But it was worth it. These men had build a camp in the previous days, which was destroyed. They had to review what needed to be rebuild after the storm lay down. It set them back for days. This is the life in the desert. Let it be as it is and learn how to rock with the storms.

9 November 2013


When you wander, think of what you want to do that day, not what you told yourself you were going to want to do. And there are two things you must not worry about when you have no responsibilities: one is being hungry, and the other is what people think of you. Wandering time is positive. Don't think of new things, don't think of achievement, don't think of anything of the kind. Just think, "Where do I feel good?What is giving me joy?"
This is simply basic. Get those pressure ideas of your system, and then you can find, like a ball on a roulette wheel, where you are going to land. The roulette ball doesn't say, "Well, people will think better of me over there than over there." Take what comes and be where you like. What counts is being where you feel you're in your place. What people think is their problem.

From: A Joseph Campbell Companion - By Diane K.Osbon - Page 69

24 November 2012

Eclipse festival 2012 Cairns, Australia

Julian and I went to the Eclipse festival 2012 in Cairns, Australia. Dry, hot, dusty and an eclipse viewing very early in the morning. How beautiful is a solar eclipse and how much fun was the festival. That exhilarated sensation once the sun really hides behind the moon. We were in Awe. The party was great, such fun. We partied with our new friends Jessie and Alex, Stephanie, Dani and Alicia and with our Dutch friends, the Space invaders.

2 October 2012

Between Ouarzazate & Zagora - Morocco

Patterns & compositions created by shadows in sharp light.
Shot on a market in the area of Zagora and Ourzazate. 

Solar workshop

Butterfly works organized a 
Solar work shop in the Moroccan Desert. 
I shot a portrait of each boy who participated.
The result - 30 LED lamps, 30 shades and 30 portraits.
Amazing project. 

Colour blocking in the Moroccan desert

1 September 2012

Bali, wallpaper & collectors items

This gentle man climbed in a tree to cut me a coconut, showed me 
his house and shared a bit of his time. He made money with rooster fights and cutting coconuts.
He was so smiley and friendly and very proud to be photographed. He froze in the photo,
not being used to photographs. His wife had died a year earlier, leaving by himself. His house was decorated with souvenirs and old advertisements. 
When I left I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
I did not get away with just one kiss : ) 

Gili Air, shadows & geometrics and...silence

Geometrics & silence

Gili Air, Lombock - A new Island Vibe

I really got into a kind of
new island vibe on Gili Air, which is one of the Islands of Lombok. 
Abstract, a bit aloof. 
Geometrical compositions with tropical plant shadows and
coloured walls. I loved the colours. All those different greens & mints,
the black & white combined with the vibrant pastels.
A little led light in the corner.

Ubud, Bali. A royal cremation - Sarongs & Streetstyle

In August 2012 there was a big Royal cremation
in Ubud. Out of respect it was required to wear a
sarong. Traditional dress and sneakers & t-shirts.

29 May 2012

Yellow & mint Sri lanka

People loving what they do, Venezuela

I love people who follow their own passion and who love life. In Andicora, Venezuela, Julian my husband and I met this radiating German wind & kite surfer, still surfing as much as possible. He was one of the first wind surfers who surfed The Saintes Maries de la Mer Speed Canal, known to windsurfers as The Canal. It is a man-made trench near the French Mediterrean coastal town Saintes Maries de la Mer, built especially for speed record breaking sailing by windsurfers. His smile made us smile every day. In Puerto Colombia we met a painter and his lovely wife, who made our stay in Venezuela very worth while. She invited us in the supermarket to come over to their house for a cup of tea and that was the start of all our encounters together. He used to be an art director in America, now he spend his days painting and together they were just enjoying life.